Islandora Webinar: Guide to Starting a Digital Repository

  • In only 50 easy steps! (2:38)
    • Moves through the slides quickly. Does an overview of what will be discussed in the rest of the video. Milestones, in this video, represent a significant phase in a process in which a set of activities are performed or decisions are made. Each milestone has activities, work that is performed in a process, and participants, a person or group that perform activities.
  • Participants (3:50)
    • Who the participants usually are. Also talks about the different roles participants can have.
  • First Milestone – Identity and Team Building (5:20)
    • Sometimes discoverygarden can help you through this, but generally the point is to have a clear understanding of who you are and the nature of your mission. During this, you will identify contributors, consumers, and funding resources. Then assemble your team.
  • Second Milestone – Current State Definition (9:15)
    • Who do you currently serve? Then document where you are at in regards to infrastructure. Basically, they go through a list of things that you want to record what the current state is; what you currently use.
  • Third Milestone – Future State Definition (14:55)
    • Now think about where do you want to be? Use things from the prior milestone and add to them to fill in things you wish you could do now, but can’t.
  • Fourth Milestone – Planning the Bridge (24:45)
    • Now you have everything you need to make a plan to get from your current state to your desired future state. This will include establishing the budget and finalizing specifically what you need. You will also define what constitutes migration success.
  • Fifth Milestone – Creating Your Digital Repository (35:35)
    • Project planning (all the things to make a good project plan). First think you’ll do after this provisioning/planning meeting is infrastructure provisioning. Then you will install the repository software. Finally the UI/UX design will be created/implemented. Data will then be migrated.